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Torpor 0.9β Released!

The 0.9 beta release of Torpor (all major features work, but only in MySQL and there’s some definite clean-up and organization to be done) is available now:

TorporPHP_0.9b.tar.gz (via Google project hosting)

I also need to correct a statement I made earlier during the introduction of Torpor – this is not the first mature persistence layer abstraction.  I’ve come across others (turns out the buzz word for googling is “PHP ORM”, not “PHP persistence abstraction”) since I delved into this foray in the first place, though I can say I’m not especially impressed.  I can also say that Torpor easily stands on its own among these, with its philosophies fitting an appropriate niche and providing some of its own innovations (especially the intermediate cache interface and the complexity of the intrinsic deep-loading and relationship introspection).

Those feeling adventurous, enjoy!

Those without the cycles to spare, 1.0 should be available in 3-4 weeks, enabling additional database interfaces and cleaning things up.  Between 0.9b and 1.0 there may be some minor changes in naming conventions, but overall structure will remain the same.  Much documentation will be forthcoming as well.

Good luck, and good night!

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