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Showing posts from category: hypnosis

Simplified LGAT

Three years ago I wrote a fairly lengthy bit about Large Group Awareness Training (or LGAT) methods and practices, and how they all fit together to form coercive persuasion that should make any informed body run in the opposite direction (which remains my highest traffic article of all time, with nearly 5x the activity of

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Connecting Dots

I love the broad pattern-recognitions of the ol’ gray matter – the simple connections made between thises and thats, spreading inexorably from sites of stimulation and parellel processing, intersecting with ever-larger patterns to create surprising and enriching tangents and leading to great “Ah-HA!” moments. I had such a moment, of a remarkable nature (which is

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Level Headed Diatribe Against LGAT “Impact Training”

This material represents over a year’s worth of reading, researching, and careful professional and personal studies in order to provide a informed, well-reasoned, educational viewpoint rather than my initial knee-jerk reaction to the topic. Presented here is my final conclusion on the matter for your review. I run the risk of offending a number of

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Hypnosis and Trauma

The late Dr. Milton Erickson, a renowned psychiatrist and major innovator in terms of modern hypnotherapeutic theories and practices, once proposed that all learning is acquired in a form of trance. The conscious and unconscious minds align into a state of receptivity and thus of increased suggestibility, ready to accept the incoming information or experience

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