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Blogs are good for putting nothing in particular out there for public consumption. I’ve enjoyed that so far; even though I’m fairly certain the public is not digesting this, but only a small segment of technically accessible acquaintences. L E V E L S Stress: 40% Busy-ness: 80% Creativity: 20% Physicality: 15% Emotional State: Edgy/Sad

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There’s Always Something

I recently installed some laminate “hardwood” flooring (really just styrofoam under-layment, partical board molded substrate, and a lacqueresque sealed photopaper surface – but it looks good and wears well) in the old office downstairs, in an effort to make the house more attractive for sale. It was a little cheaper than carpet, and since I’d

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Cresting the Concerts

I have long been fascinated by classical music as performed by chambers, orchestras, and symphonies. Not only for the beautiful music produced, but for the focused coordination of multiple supremely talented artists, building on their several contributions to reproduce the vision of a single individual: the composer. Hours of practice apiece, daily over the course

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Nothing Insightful

I used to have a journal with me at all times, and would whip it out and jot a few things down whenever the opportunity presented itself. Doing this kept a single thread of consciousness alive and connected throughout the day as I would pick it back up, take it a little further through the

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