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Showing posts from category: health

Kicked Out of the Loop

It can be a difficult thing, balancing perspectives between short and long. Perhaps there’s a lesson to be learned from photography – the only way to have foreground and background in focus at the same time is to stop down the aperture, and that only works if you lengthen the exposure time; so to extrapolate,

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Weight Reduction

This post is about my personal challenges with weight, and managing it in light of a metabolic disorder.  None of it is meant to be self indulgent or congratulatory, and I promise there are some geeky bits near the end for those patient enough to wade through the content or who want to skip to

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The Long Journey

I’ve written a lot about my health over the past few years, and my efforts to try and do something about it. Each little clue gave me new hope, into which I threw my full energy. I took every inch and reveled in it, moving as far as I could before inevitably declining once again

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Life on the Outside

I’m still having the occasional “less than stellar” day, but that has mostly to do with being out of shape and trying to do more than I once could. The results have been positive regardless, especially the lack of cumulative fatigue from exercise; every day the routine is getting a little easier. Apparently during the

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