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Showing posts from category: mental health

The Long Journey

I’ve written a lot about my health over the past few years, and my efforts to try and do something about it. Each little clue gave me new hope, into which I threw my full energy. I took every inch and reveled in it, moving as far as I could before inevitably declining once again

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Hypnosis and Trauma

The late Dr. Milton Erickson, a renowned psychiatrist and major innovator in terms of modern hypnotherapeutic theories and practices, once proposed that all learning is acquired in a form of trance. The conscious and unconscious minds align into a state of receptivity and thus of increased suggestibility, ready to accept the incoming information or experience

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Sibling Cryptography

Brothers and sisters are good for a number of things whilst growing up (I had 4 of them). One role they fill particularly well is that of “someone to keep secrets from.” I’d say up until about age 14 or 15, the average American youth doesn’t have any secrets worth keeping. The whole point of

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From Philosophy to Frenzy

I was not of particular privilege as a child. Well enough – cleaned, clothed, fed, taught. Comfortable but no thought to luxury or excess. This, I’m sure, had a very positive effect on my development, responsibility, and ambition. Well, maybe the ambition. It’s served me well in many respects, but it has also created a

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